How Social Media is Changing the Fashion Industry For Small Creators

For decades the fashion industry has been controlled by gatekeepers. Whether it be publications like Vogue, or high-class photographers, shoppers or stylists, there is no denying that the industry was difficult to enter into. However, that is all changing.

Over the past decade, social media has emerged, and come to dominate our lives. When you look out in public today, the majority of people are staring at a screen, and chances are, they are looking at some form of social media. This is no different in the fashion industry. Gone are the days where you had to read Vogue or see a runway show to know what’s hot and what’s not.

In today’s industry, fashion is becoming increasingly digitized, and it is making a major impact due to the new level of accessibility, allowing unknown, startup brands and personalities to flourish. Some reasons for this are that anyone can have a social media account, the behind the scenes capabilities, and increase of client company relations from these emerging brands.

Having and Account

It is quite clear that not everyone can successfully run a multi-billion-dollar publication, nor can they easily create one. With that in mind, anyone can have an Instagram account. By increasing the availability of a platform to express your fashion feelings, it is becoming much easier to have an opinion that counts. In today’s landscape, fashion accounts like Alexa Chung, Camille Charrière, and weworewhat have a hand in letting people know what’s cool. While these accounts are huge in size, there are many smaller pages that take after their ideas of expressing opinions on fashion and growing a community, something they previously could not do.

Having an account also helps new companies to get off the ground. Take Brema from Unfinished Legacy for example. He is a fashion designer based in LA with a growing fanbase which has exploded since the pandemic, due to his social media presence. By utilizing his social media, he is able to forgo the long process of becoming accepted amongst the fashion elite for a chance to be accepted. This is allowing him to express his vision the way he wants, developing a loyal fanbase.

Brema of Unfinished Legacy in his studio

BTS (No, not the K-pop group)

Social media also provides brands with a capability they didn’t have before. In the past, brands relied on runway shows, and magazines to publish their work. Now, these brands have the ability to showcase not only their finished pieces, but also the steps that they took to get to that point.

While this is being utilized by the larger fashion companies like Gucci, Bvlgari, and Dolce and Gabbana, it is also allowing smaller companies to grow. This tactic of exposing the process of how a piece is made allows consumers to follow the path that each piece takes throughout production. By seeing this, consumers can grow their appreciation for the product, especially when beautiful craftsmanship and hard work are displayed by a small brand. This creates a connection to the product, and an increased desire to hold it in their hands, leading to more purchases.

BTS/Detail Images of Bvlgari’s L’opera Grandiosa perfume bottle

Client Company Relations

When looking at what social media provides, there is more than just image and text. Today companies are using video to showcase what they do. Again, looking at Unfinished Legacy, there are an abundant number of videos of Brema screen printing shirts in his studio, as well as videos walking you through his process and space. These videos make his brand more than a brand. By showing his process, and letting people into his life, he is creating a personal connection with his clients. Instead of a big conglomerate, perceived as very sophisticated people, his company is simply a humble guy, who is similar to his clients.

By showcasing the personable aspects of a brand and increasing the relationship between clients and companies, brands are able to create more loyalty, and a stronger base of customers than they had in the past. By providing a window into the people behind the brand, a brand can establish a more human feeling, making consumers more open to their products, and excited to support the people behind the fashion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Social media allows anyone with an internet connection to share their thoughts and feelings
  • New access to platforms provides smaller brands and creators the opportunity to grow and build a community
  • Social media provides brands the opportunity to display the behind the scenes and process of creating products
  • Social media gives brands a personal feel, creating better relationships with their clients, leading to more brand loyalty
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